12 September 2016

I can Only Imagine.

I was not sure what to expect when I attended sports day at my daughter's school recently. it was her first so it was important that we went. We attended to cheer her up and to ensure that she was not going to be the only one whose mum or dad was not present.

The day began in earnest as all the kids threw themselves in. I had instructed my daughter to run really fast on the way to school. During the race, she not only ran fast she took off like a bolt, and left everyone behind to win, her very first. I was one proud mum… Afterwards when I asked her how she did it, she said,  mum you told me to run fast and that's what I did

This got me thinking, the Olympics are currently under way and thousands of people are competing to win, they have trained for this event and are ready to compete. They all want to win.

We as Christians are also in a race, earth is our training ground and we have been instructed to run to win, that we may obtain a price.

But how?

By training our minds on all that is true, good, honest, pure, and of a good report. Only by disciplining our bodies and subjecting it to the will of God can we expect to  win.

As I watched the Olympics I was amazed by the commitment these athletes have towards their sport, some have trained for hours and months on ends sacrificing time with loved ones. They were ready in season and out of season. 2 Tim 4:2. They stayed ready.

We cannot win if we are distracted by the pressures of life, the cares of this world and the pleasures we enjoy.

How to Win:
To win in life we have to have a ready mind and a ready attitude, we need to build our muscles of faith to withstand the harsh circumstances which may come our way. We have to look to him who has called us… we need to keep our eyes on the prize, just like these contestants.

Seeing my daughter win was a great delight. Imagine, what it will be like when we are welcome to receive the prize for winning here on earth and making it to hear these words “well done” good and faithful servant”. I can only imagine.
So let us Run to win, that we may obtain a good reward.

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