In a world where our love is conditional on what others do for us it isn’t often we find unconditional love.
Every morning, as I get my kids ready for school or during the drive to school, l try to set the tone for the day with encouraging and motivating words. After telling them they are, awesome, kind and so on… I tell them how much I love them.
At home one day , one of my daughters took me by surprised when she asked, mummy, what if I don’t do kind things today will you still love me?.
That came out of the blue. I have never thought about loving her because she cleans her room or does kind things I just know that I love her… even before she was born.
But she has taken my love for her to be conditioned on doing my bidding.
I hugged her and said. “I loved you from the day you were conceived”. I did not need to seen you but I loved you. And when you were born I loved you even more… So whether you do all I asked or not, (I may not love what you do, but I do love you), she gave me a big hug and said “I love you mummy”.
My daughters did not do anything to deserve my love, when they were helpless little babies who caused us many sleepless nights, cried none stopped when left alone, we loved them no less than we do now. It was a No Strings Attached Love. It was pure, undefiled and deep.
My love for my kids grows each day and it is not conditional on anything they do or don’t do… I hope it stays that way because as humans as our kids grow we may not like the changes and things we see.
This got me thinking, God's love never fails, it's as strong and intense from the moment he thought about us. However, it is sometimes tempting to misinterpret the instructions in the bible as the basis for God's love for us….

God's love is not conditional on anything you do or will ever do… It is a No Strings Attached Love. Simple and Pure Unconditional Love.
If his love was based on what we do or has done, we stood no chance, hence he made a choice to love us before we love him. He Loved us before we Loved him.... profound.
It was his love for us that brought him down to earth… we had gone away from our heavenly father that he wanted us back to himself. So he came in the form of a man to bring us back to himself.
While we were still in sin, in our wicked ways, Christ died for us”, this is love, nothing is. That he loved us just the way we are. It never ceases to amaze me that it was “While” we were still sinners… we were dirty, downright untouchable… only the God kind of love will embrace us the way we are.
Religion today has placed all kinds of conditions on God's love, but no: it is unconditional, with no strings attached.
His love is so pure, he had to born by a virgin.
His birth brought us hope, his life showed us the way to live.
His death brought ransomed us
his resurrection brought us life..
this Christmas we celebrate hope, a new way of life,
reconciliation with the father
and love so amazing so unconditional, so divine.
At Christmas, this is what I celebrate a love that keeps giving and loving.
As you celebrate, Reflect on this love and know that he loves you just the way you are.
As you celebrate, Reflect on this love and know that he loves you just the way you are.
Dear Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus,
Thank you for loving me the way you do
Unconditionally, relentlessly and recklessly.
Thank you that this love is endless.