I tell my little girls daily that practice makes perfect, in order words what you do daily becomes part of you.
When it comes to our relationship with our Heavenly Father, do we practise being in his presence?
When it comes to our relationship with our Heavenly Father, do we practise being in his presence?
I certainly do not. I usually get up and say a prayer or two. Put a favourite song on and off I go into my day.
Due to my lack of practise and dedication I often do not feel his presence.
Sometimes the next time I have a conversation with him after the morning rush is just before bed.
How I longed for his presence and it bothered me that I cannot feel or hear him.
So I began to practise.
I know that prayer is talking to God and he talking back. So I started out saying how I feel in that moment . Whenever I do not feel him close I ask him to come and be with me.
I started to talk with him every time and moment of the day.
The issue was not the fact that I was not talking to him as much as I wanted, it was that every time I remember I had not been with him, I feel bad and berate myself.
Now instead of feeling bad in that moment I whisper: Holy Spirit, I have been Been everywhere, I slow down now and just want to say thank you. I love you, help me, show me, guide me.
Do you know my daily moment by moment talk with him is paying off. I hear him more
I feel his leading and this makes me want to do it often.
So practise being in his presence get into the habit of talking to him anytime of the day.
Stop in the middle of a chore and whisper to him. Smile at him. Talk to him whenever it crosses your mind and as you do, it will becomes second nature to you, soon you will find that you do it out of love not out of guilt or necessity.
As you navigate today, practise being in the moment, forget about the troubles of yesterday and the challenges ahead… we are not promised tomorrow. Make the best of today because, today is the tomorrow you hoped for yesterday… so live it, love it.