Have you ever received a word of encouragement which blessed you? A word which leaves you on the high for weeks....
I love encouraging words. I love to give it and I also love to receive it. I wasn't always a receiver.
For as long as I can remember, I held back from receiving, by refusing to share my feelings because I did not want any encouragement.
I was the giver right? I don't need to receive. I felt I was fine. I can encourage myself. Sure I can, but the problem with this kind of thinking is we become isolated from others, our friends and family cannot relate to this unemotional state of being.
Fortunately for me, my friends encouraged me regardless. I have been greatly blessed by the encouragements I received. I am now at a place where I can share my heart with someone dear just to receive an encouraging word.
I am even more blessed when someone is uplifted by a word of encouragement received from me. I feel humble at such times.
We are called to comfort others with the same comfort we have received. Spoken words does a lot for the soul. We can encourage each other in various ways.
Spoken Words:
We can encourage others by words, letting them know we sympathise/empathise with them at a difficult time can make a difference to how they feel.
You may have gone through a similar experience, sharing that with someone, will help them to know that if you came through they can come through as well. If you are still going through your issues, tell them how you are able to cope and deal with it.
Use scriptures:
The word of God is powerful, nothing compares to speaking God's word to someone in need. Remind them what scripture says about the situation.
Do not overload them with it, just a few relevant scriptures they can hold on to will do.
Knowing someone is going through stuff and being present can go a long way to comfort them. Job's friends were present, but said too much at times.
Just be present. You are not called to be the judge of the situation, so limit your admonition.
The presence of a friend in the time of need is as a warm blanket on a cold day. It is comforting in its presence.
There's is a time for speaking so you need to be sensitive to others and know when you can use words and when to just be present.
Prayer is the act of engaging with God for our needs. Tell God about the person and ask him to bring solution and clarity to the situation. You can pray with them while in their presence and continue after you have left. Prayer releases faith into a situation and breathes life into us.
Have you been comforted through you needs? Can you identify someone who may need encouragement today? Can you speak, pray, be present or do you have a story that will encourage them. Go on, call them today and let them know you care.
Let us bear one another's burden...