I have been thinking lately and thought to write about this
Do you operate and go through life day to day on your own? Or do you actively ask God to be part of each and every waking moment, every thought and every action.
Do you pause in the middle of your day and take stock?
Like: “was my response right in that situation”. Could it have been better?
Did I over react to my friend, sister, partner or colleague? During that argument?
And O, about my character? I know you should not care what people think of you? But, have you measured your character by what the word of God says or what God thinks of you?
And by the way, do you think that phrase “what would Jesus do” is out dated?
I know we all mean well and say things in the heat of the moment.
But that should not be if we have the fruit of the spirit.
Don’t forget one of the fruits is “self control”.
Let me remind you again.
Self control.
Perhaps these are out dated virtues so instead we should practise what the world teaches.
“Get even”
“Clap back harder if you are angry".
Speak “your mind”. Fight back and forget what the Bible said about “vengeance” being the Lords. This is so outdated. “Speak up or else they will take advantage of you”.
Think of all the things the disciples and the early Christians accomplished just by walking with the Holy Spirit.
I believe they faced a greater adversary than today's believers.
They were persecuted, killed, stoned, beaten. Hanged.. but yet accomplished greatness purely by sticking with the Holy Spirit and practising what they preached.
Any wonder why Christians have no impact today?
How can we? When there is no line between being a Christian and being an unbeliever. The lines are so blurred it has disappeared..
Say, do you want?
Power,fame, wealth, recognition, attention, honor?
You can have it all just by walking with the Holy Spirit..
The apostles had it all and their story is still being told, their legacy is the foundation we stand on today.
As I grow older I am more careful about my actions and concluded that I would hate to be the reason for anyone's pain. So I intentionally practice this scripture:
As much as it is within my power make peace.. even if I will be seen as a fool..
Small price for my peace of mind. Don’t you think?
So what's it gonna be?
The worlds way or the “Be-attitudes”..
The choice is yours.
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