Swirling winds, blowing around,
Thunderous sounds rings through the air
Beneath the shadows,
A figure lay
Rugged clothes hung on his back
His head droop to his chest,
His doom loom
His future blown away, it seems with the wind
From his face drops a tear,
It goes unnoticed in the rain
His muffled sound mingled with the thunderous sounds
Not heard by frail men
As time passes
The rain ceases,
His gaze clears now,
But his tear remain
Only now in the dept of his soul
Seen only by one who is touched by his pain!
I’ve heard this words time and time again “we’ve all go issues”, “everyone has problem”. Even the bible says it all; man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. But there are some people whose issues when told…. Leaves us speechless, speechless because of the severity, we feel helpless and sad because we cannot begin to understand how a being like us is able to go through such pain and still find the strength to go on.
You may not be faced with terminal illness, or natural disaster, but to you, your issue is as severe as that of the man face with the grim news that his wife will pass any time soon, with a terminal illness, or the guy in china who has lost all in the earthquake. Put things in perspective, and don’t be too engrossed by your pain, be thankful for your pain, yes, be thankful, because if you were asked to exchange your trouble for someone else’s, chances are that you’ll say no, why?
Because you don’t know what you’ll be exchanging it for and you’ll rather deal with what you’ve always dealt with than to be faced with totally new sets of troubles. So be thankful and spare a thought for those whose pains are so burdensome they’ll rather cry in their heart than share their pain……
All rights reserves© Deboo May 2008
Relevant bible references:
proverbs 17:5
Job 14:1
"pictures by photobucket"
Thunderous sounds rings through the air
Beneath the shadows,
A figure lay
Rugged clothes hung on his back
His head droop to his chest,
His doom loom
His future blown away, it seems with the wind
From his face drops a tear,
It goes unnoticed in the rain
His muffled sound mingled with the thunderous sounds
Not heard by frail men
As time passes
The rain ceases,
His gaze clears now,
But his tear remain
Only now in the dept of his soul
Seen only by one who is touched by his pain!
You may not be faced with terminal illness, or natural disaster, but to you, your issue is as severe as that of the man face with the grim news that his wife will pass any time soon, with a terminal illness, or the guy in china who has lost all in the earthquake. Put things in perspective, and don’t be too engrossed by your pain, be thankful for your pain, yes, be thankful, because if you were asked to exchange your trouble for someone else’s, chances are that you’ll say no, why?
Because you don’t know what you’ll be exchanging it for and you’ll rather deal with what you’ve always dealt with than to be faced with totally new sets of troubles. So be thankful and spare a thought for those whose pains are so burdensome they’ll rather cry in their heart than share their pain……
All rights reserves© Deboo May 2008
Relevant bible references:
proverbs 17:5
Job 14:1
"pictures by photobucket"
Hmmm... that's so true.. Father for all the times I complained about my issues.. I am truly and profoundly sorry. For all the times I asked why? I moaned and groaned like an ungrateful child... father I am sorry. For I know the issues I have are just enough for me to carry, just enough for you to teach me, to make me learn to make me grown.
It's true, the grass is not always green on the other side, therefore the issues are not always better for another person.
Thanks luv.. that hits right between the eyes... sigh.. Father Lord teach us daily so we know how to thank you in ALL things, good, bad and the ugly...
much luv
it is true we are so stuck up with our own issues. I know that there are pain and hurt in our lives, but if we can just reach out and looks outside ourselves, we will find relive n helping others through their pain.
Thanks again for such and inspiring and timely word, needed for a time as this.
Hi girl,
Really inspiring and touching, prose, it made me think, all this complaining. Truely we just need to give thanks in all things
The truth is that we humans are a selfish kind. Most times we think about ourselves only and when it's rough we wonder why me? and i ask who would you rather it be? God is awesome, and he knows all, lets thank him for all times, both the good and the not too good and show love to others. LOVELYN
hmmmm damn right. we shud be thankful regardless of the situation we're in.
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